Sommer-Special: XXL VapoWesp-Set: VapoWesp Räucherbox inkl, Räucherbox, 4 x VapoPulver 100g, 1 x VapoPulver 50g

"I've already convinced 10 of our friends to do this and got a box from the Bauhaus again today. It makes my time outdoors easier." - Brigitte R.

49,90 € 65,95 €you save 16,05 €
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

VapoWesp – Dein natürlicher Schutz gegen Wespen, Mücken und Schnaken

Entspannte Abende auf dem Balkon gehören zum Sommer dazu, werden aber leider oft von lästigen Insekten wie Wespen, Mücken und Schnaken gestört. Diese Störenfriede sind nicht nur lästig, für Allergiker können sie sogar lebensgefährlich werden. Ein altbekanntes Hausmittel, um Wespen, Mücken & Schnaken zu vertreiben, ist glimmendes Kaffeepulver. Mit unserer VapoWesp Räucherbox und den VapoPulvern haben wir diese Methode perfektioniert.

  • Einfach Kaffeepulver in die feuerfeste VapoWesp Räucherbox füllen und mit einem VapoPulver deiner Wahl mischen.
  • Das Pulver dann mit einem Stabfeuerzeug 6-8 Sekunden zum glimmen bringen.
  • Die speziell duftenden Kräutermischungen verleihen dem glimmenden Kaffeepulver, dessen Geruch normalerweise nach einer Weile unangenehm wird, ein angenehmes Aroma.
  • Die einstellbaren Öffnungen am Deckel ermöglichen es, den Rauch nach Belieben zu regulieren.

Genieße deine Momente im Freien, mit dem zarten Duft von aromatischen Kräutermischungen in der Nase, aber ohne lästige Wespen, Mücken & Schnaken um dich herum!

*Nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.

Starterset VapoWesp Räucherbox inkl. Leinensack,
je 1 VapoPulver Orange & Rosemary 50g, 1 x Lemon & Basil 100g, 1 x Hay Flowers & Thyme 100g, 1 x Apple & Mint 100g, 1 x Orange & Rosemary 100g

Customer Reviews

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The VapoWesp smoker box works that simply

VapoWesp at a glance

Proven and well-known methodology

Beekeepers also use smoke to carefully and effectively drive away bees.

> 300,000 products sold

Whether for allergy sufferers or camping fans - VapoWesp already has many satisfied users.

Free from toxins & pesticides

VapoWesp works without dangerous chemicals and is harmless to humans and animals.

Food grade ingredients

All herbal blends are made from high quality food grade ingredients

Free from waste substances

After use, the cooled ash is ideal as fertilizer in the flower bed.

So simple and so effective!

Anyone who knows the old home remedy of smoking coffee powder against wasps, mosquitoes or insects probably also knows all the problems that come with it:

  • unsuitable containers that get too hot,
  • Smoke that cannot be regulated
  • Coffee powder being spread all over the table by the wind.

With the VapoWesp smoker box we have put an end to all of this! Four pieces made of high-quality materials that counteract all of this. Try it yourself!

Mother & daughter start together

Claudia and Leslie, the mother-daughter team from Stuttgart and founders of VapoWesp, had the brilliant idea while the world was sinking into lockdown and everything came to a standstill. With a lot of tinkering and attention to detail, we have adapted a well-known home remedy to new requirements and made it easier.

frequently asked Questions

Only fresh, dry coffee powder is suitable for smoldering in the VapoWesp smoker box, as it contains essential oils that enable smoldering. You can use any type of commercially available coffee powder (no ready-made cappucino mixes or similar).

Unfortunately, coffee that has already been brewed, i.e. old coffee grounds, is NOT suitable. Here the essential oils are completely washed out and can no longer be lit.

Unfortunately, smoldering coffee powder alone smells very strong and spoils the enjoyment of being outdoors. Our VapoPowders are specially developed herbal mixtures to flavor coffee smoke.

All herbal mixtures are organic quality. We have test certificates for the individual ingredients because it is very important to us to ensure insect-friendly production.

Since we buy our herbs in large quantities, our vape powders are significantly cheaper than commercially available herbs in organic quality.

However, if the smell of regular coffee smoke doesn't bother you, you can of course leave out the herbal mixtures. We'll leave that to your nose :)

Try it out! We have achieved the best smoldering ability of the coffee powder in the recommended mixing ratio - too much VapoPowder quickly smothers the embers.

Our recommendation: Mix 2 heaped teaspoons of fresh, dry coffee powder with a heaped teaspoon of VapoPowder of your favorite variety in the stainless steel container.

Bundle Starterset | Räucherbox + VapoPulver Orange & Rosemary (50 g) & VapoSticks | 4 VapoPulver-Sorten zum Mitnehmen - VapoWesp

You can simply wipe the smoking box itself with a slightly damp cloth (without cleaning products, as the bamboo wood is untreated) - just make sure to store the box indoors in a dry place when you are not using it.

We recommend cleaning the stainless steel parts after every second use at the latest with common cleaning agents for stainless steel (stainless steel cleaner, oven spray, or similar) and some steel wool.

Yes, we are happy to send VapoWesp on trips. You can see where we ship to and under what conditions in our shipping costs table.

We only produce products where ethical standards are fully and demonstrably adhered to. These standards include protecting international human rights and ensuring that they are not violated, eliminating and abolishing forced and child labor, taking initiatives to create and promote greater environmental awareness, and opposing all forms of Discrimination, corruption, extortion and bribery.

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